Carpal Tunnel Diet

Hmmm.  So what do I know about diet for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  I know this:

1.  Being overweight causes pressure in the tissues in your wrist.  Losing weight will reduce the pressure.  Your doctor will not trust you to lose weight so he will offer surgery.  (But I do trust you.)

2.  An unhealthy typical American-style diet can make you very sick.  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome will be one of the least of your worries.

What you eat matters.  There are foods and additives that actually cause pain.  Here are a couple of articles about diet for you:

I find that the simplest way not to eat “junk” is not to buy it.  If I don’t bring it home I won’t eat it.

Sometimes it’s a challenge not to stop and pick up something–marshmallows, ice cream or fast food–but I KNOW in my heart that those things do NOT promote health and that makes it a bit easier to avoid them.

In a nutshell (nuts are healthy) here’s how to shop:

1.  Shop the outside aisles of the store.  That’s where the fresh foods, meat, dairy, eggs and butter are.  The processed foods that come from manufacturing plants tend to be on the inside aisles.

2.  Did I say ‘butter’?  You bet!  Real butter is very satisfying and much closer to real food than margarine or ‘spreads’ are.  There are other healthy fats, too:  coconut, avocado and olive oil.

3.  Eat for color:  fruits and vegetables, as many as you want, including potatoes.

4.  Eggs.  Those little powerhouses are packed with protein and nutrients to help your muscles feel and function better.

5.  Sea salt has minerals.  Bodies need minerals.

6.  Taking a potent multi-vitamin and mineral supplement is a good idea, too.

7.  Muscles need water to function properly and to flush metabolic wastes from tissues.

If you look at the foods in #1-7, you will realize that there’s a lot of stuff there to choose from.  If you only eat from that list, you won’t have room to eat much that is NOT good for you!  🙂

And you will lose weight.

When you eat satisfying, healthy fats your body will feel full longer.  When you give your body the nutrients it needs–protein, vitamins, minerals, water, healthy fats–cravings can stop.

Now YOU know what I know about a diet for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


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