What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

There are several causes for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Some causes are more common than others but all of them (except for a broken wrist) involve your whole body.  What makes me say this?

Because every part of your body is attached to every other part.

If you wiggle your toes or your ankle, it’s attached to your neck.  The muscles in your neck attach to your shoulder girdle (bones) and so do your arm muscles.  Every cell in your body interacts in some way with all of the other cells.

So the causes for your carpal tunnel

symptoms can come from such things as:

  • An auto-immune disease
  • Muscle strain in your arm
  • Trigger points in your neck or arm muscles
  • A vitamin deficiency
  • Tight muscles in your hand
  • Poor posture

or other things that are going on in your body.  Since everything is attached to, and interacts with, every other part, what happens in any part can cause pain or other symptoms somewhere else.

Almost everything has a cause!

The way to get rid of your symptoms is to get rid of the cause.

And please be sure to leave a comment if you have any questions.  I’d love to see you get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms.


  1. Thank you, Helene, and you’re welcome! Poor ergonomics can certainly play a part, too. I always encourage people to work at putting themselves in the most neutral position possible for their job, even if that means supplying some of their equipment at their own cost. Why? To prevent muscle strain. Why? Muscle strain causes pain. That includes symptoms of carpal tunnel. It takes action of one sort or another to get carpal tunnel pain relief naturally.
    Kathryn Merrow

  2. And I, along with most people, thought that Carpal Tunnel was just caused by bad ergonomics and repetitive movements!
    This kind of information isn’t seen much elsewhere! Thanks Kathryn

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