How Can You Get Rid Of Carpal Tunnel Pain Naturally?

Do you have carpal tunnel pain?  Would you like to get rid of it naturally?

The problem is that a lot of people–including many doctors–just don’t understand that you can have pain, numbness or tingling in your hand, wrist and arm but not have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by lack of space in your wrist. Less space means more pressure on nerves and nerves hate pressure.  That’s why they cause symptoms.

The space in the wrist may become smaller due to pregnancy because pregnant women sometimes have swelling in their tissues.  This goes away after delivery in most cases.

Or it can be due to weight gain.  And there are a few other causes, too, including injury to the wrist.  So, some people who have hand and wrist pain

have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but most don’t.

Your symptoms might be in your hand but there’s a great chance they are NOT caused by lack of space in your carpal tunnel.

So if you don’t have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome what exactly DO you have?

Crabby muscles.

How do I know this?

Well, it turns out that muscles and other soft tissues (not bones) are responsible for most of our pain.

1.  Muscles get very irritable areas called trigger points.  Trigger points cause pain elsewhere, sometimes at a far distance.  For example, muscles in your neck can have trigger points that cause pain in your hand and arm.  And a trigger point in the muscle that is sandwiched between your shoulder blade and ribs causes pain that wraps around your wrist like a bracelet!

2.  Tight muscles can press on nerves and cause nervy sensations in hands and arms, too.

If the symptoms in your hand are caused by muscles, there is good news:  muscles can be treated.  You can get rid of your symptoms naturally!  And you can learn how to do it yourself.

One way to learn how to do it yourself is to buy or borrow a book by Claire Davies which is a self-help trigger point relief manual.  Very user friendly, easy to understand and use.  Available at Amazon or your local library.

It can help you get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms naturally.




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