If you read the articles here at CarpalTunnelPainReliefNow.com, you know I’m always telling you that your muscles are a prime cause of the discomfort or pain in your hand, wrist and arm.
Here’s how to tell if muscles really are causing your carpal tunnel pain.
Feel them.
Don’t just feel the little muscles right around your carpal tunnel (hand/wrist.) Feel all the muscles up and down your arm, and even your neck.
Lots of us grew up thinking that, for some reason, it wasn’t good to touch, feel or pet ourselves. Or, maybe we just never did it.
Who knows why?
But, touch is very important. Babies won’t thrive without touch.
It’s perfectly fine to touch and be touched, in appropriate ways.
And, our skin has receptors so we can feel heat, cold and pressure. This is good. Keeps us safe.
Muscles in your arms, and often in your neck, shoulder, chest and back cause pain in your wrist and hand. Sometimes your arm will also hurt. You may think you have carpal tunnel syndrome.
Place one hand on your other arm. Feel that arm.
What does it feel like? Move your hand from your wrist to your elbow. Press gently, so you can feel below your skin.
Those are muscles, below the skin.
Do they feel bunchy? Hard? Painful?
If you press on an area, does it make your carpal tunnel pain worse? Does it make it a little better?
If your muscles feel tender, stringy, bunchy or hard instead of soft and pliable, then your muscles are involved in your pain.
Today, I want you to be kind to yourself and to your carpal tunnels.
Either make an appointment for a therapeutic massage so you can become familiar with your muscles, or have a do-it-yourself massage at home. We have articles here on how to do-it-yourself in the Massage Category.
“Because You Deserve to Feel Better!”