Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Action Steps

Got pain in your carpal tunnel?  Here are 7 Action Steps You Can Take Now To Reduce and Relieve Your Carpal Tunnel Pain Naturally

When you understand why you are having carpal tunnel pain or other hand pain, you can begin your journey to wellness.

There are always reasons why we have pain.  When we know the “why”, then we know the “what” to do to stop hurting.

Your body wants to be well and heal itself.  Sometimes it just needs a little assist.  You just have to figure out what’s causing your pain and then take steps to correct it.  When we eliminate the things that cause pain, our body can start to heal.

Here are seven solid pain relief steps you can take to start relieving your carpal tunnel pain.

When repetitive reaching is done incorrectly it causes pain.  Often those who work at a desk reach out for long periods, as when using a mouse.  Keep your elbows as comfortably close to your waist as possible when you are working at a desk or table.


Help yourself by using proper work space equipment.  If you work in a seated position, use a chair and desk or tray that fits you.  Your ankles, knees, hips and elbows should all be at about 90 degree angles.  Your monitor should be directly in front of you.  Ear phones or an ear bud will take stress of your neck.


Treat your body as though it is an expensive, desirable vehicle—because it is!  You need to keep it in good condition for the “lifetime warranty” to stay in effect.  Keep your body well fueled and maintained to get the best mileage and performance.  Get regular tune-ups.  A therapeutic massage would be great.


Help your body get strong and in balance by taking classes in tai chi, core strengthening or yoga.  A strong back makes a happy body.  Work on getting strong from the back of your thighs to the back of your neck.  Squeeze your shoulder blades together, toward your spine.  Work out in a pool for resistance and the benefit of the water massaging your body.


Pretend you’re a cat, a dog, or a baby.  Stretch like they do.  Open and out and long and away from their center.  Stretch frequently in the opposite direction of the position you are usually in.  Our muscles get stuck in the positions we are in the most, unless we take care to do the opposite movements.  You used to be flexible, and you can get there again, at least most of the way.


Improve the quality of food you eat and/or take a really good vitamin and mineral supplement.  A body that gets all the nutrients it needs functions better and can recover faster.  Eat for color.  Start your meals with fruits and vegetables.  If you want crunch, eat crunchy produce.  If you are craving salt, try some on a raw, peeled potato slice.  Get your multi-vitamin-mineral product at a health food store rather than the grocery or drug store.  Drink enough water to be well hydrated.  The muscles and cells in a well hydrated body function better.


Correct your posture and avoid situations (like certain chairs) which cause muscle tension in your neck, head, back, shoulders and arms.  Tight neck muscles will cause pain in your carpal tunnel area as well as headaches and other complaints.  Pretend there is a hook in your breastbone which is lifting you up to the sky.  That will automatically move your head into a more neutral position, over your shoulders, and will reduce muscle strain.

Remember:  It’s very important that you take care of yourself, and don’t rely on others to supply you with what you need.   People around you may not know what you need, or how to provide it to you.
Action Questions
1.    Which one of these 7 steps do you feel you are already most strong in?
2.    How did you get good at that?
3.    Which of these 7 steps are you weakest in?
4.    Which step do you feel would be most helpful for you to start first?
5.    What is the first thing you will do to get started on that step?
6.    When will you start?
7.    What will you do second to become stronger in that step?
8.    Is there a third thing you can do to become stronger in that area?
9.    Which step do you feel is the second most important to become proficient in?
10.    When will you start working on that step?
11.    Look at the list of 7 steps again.  Is there just one thing you can work on each day from each of the 7 steps?
12.    When will you start?

In my experience, the people who take action most quickly are the ones who recover most rapidly.  You can get better.  Your body wants to feel better.

You must start your action plan to get rid of your carpal tunnel or hand, arm and wrist pain now.  Why?  “Because You Deserve To Feel Better!”