What Does Double Crush Mean To Carpal Tunnel Sufferers

Your carpal tunnel symptoms can have many causes.  It is usually NOT caused by something directly in your wrist.  Yes, there may be swelling there that is giving you symptoms but why?

The “why” is the cause of your pain, tingling or numbness.  Those are called symptoms.  Get rid of the “why” and your symptoms will go away.

Nerves hate to be pressed on.  If you have bones OR muscles causing pressure on a nerve that runs into your hand, you

can get uncomfortable hand and wrist symptoms.

The nerves that go to your hand start all the way up in your neck spine.  (All of the nerves in your body come from your spine.)  The nerves that go to your hand pass between your neck bones.

That’s a long way for nerves to travel–from your neck to your hand.

That means there are lots of opportunities for a nerve to be pressed on.  Along its length it could be compressed by bones in the neck, muscles in the neck or chest, muscles in your arm, or swelling in your wrist.

The term “double crush” means you have two places causing your symptoms rather than just one.  The nerve is being pressed on in two locations.

Since your whole body works as one unit, it’s very possible that more than one area would be “unhappy” and would cause problems elsewhere.

Here is an article by a chiropractor.  (<– click here.)  He suggests surgery as a very last resort.  I’m with him.

If you wondered, here’s the difference between chiropractors and massage therapists.  Doctors of chiropractic move bones (as a general rule.)  Massage therapists move muscles.  Muscles move bones.

If you can cause the muscles that are pulling on your bones or pressing on your nerves to relax, you can have natural carpal tunnel pain relief.

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