Did you know that muscles are a primary cause of carpal tunnel symptoms? Yes!
Natural carpal tunnel pain relief can be yours by relaxing the muscles that cause your symptoms. You may have two questions right about now:
(1) Muscles cause symptoms? Absolutely! Muscles are the most common cause of carpal tunnel symptoms. And they are the most commonly overlooked cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
(2) How can you relax your muscles? Easy…just read on.
When you were a child, you were always moving in every possible direction. You used ALL of your muscles. You didn’t have carpal tunnel
pain then.
And then you went to school and sat in a desk that didn’t always fit you. And your body was made to move but there you were, sitting for long hours. And then you grew up and got a job and continued spending lots of hours sitting, sitting, sitting or standing, reaching, stretching but always in the same direction.
Well, that is enough to make your muscles unhappy and unhappy muscles cause things like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
You can start to relax the muscles in your back, chest, arms and shoulders in the following ways:
- Lift and rotate your shoulders back and down.
- Have massage therapy. There’s a massage category right here!
- Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
- Stretch your chest muscles and the muscles in the front of your arms.
Whenever you do new movements, take time to pay attention to your body.
If a movement causes pain or discomfort, you must determine whether it’s simply because your muscles in those areas aren’t used to moving as they used to? Or, is the movement not appropriate for you to do right now?
When your muscles are allowed to be back in balance, you can have carpal tunnel pain relief!
A couple of really good options to help you get back into muscular balance can be found at the Simple Strengthening Course (so easy you can do it in bed!) and Carpal Tunnel Tool Kit (with videos and easy-to-do self-help pain relief.)
And, of course, there are lots more carpal tunnel self-help articles for you right here, too!