You Can Have Natural Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief!

How would it feel to be free of your carpal tunnel symptoms?

What would it be like to have no pain, no numbness, no tingling?  Is it possible that you could have strength in your hands again?

Could you have carpal tunnel pain relief naturally?  In many cases, yes!

I’m going to share several ways you can start to get rid of the pain in your hands right now.

There are lots of possible causes for the carpal tunnel symptoms of weakness, pain, numbness and tingling.  The most common cause is your muscles.

That’s good news!  Why?

Because muscles can be rehabilitated.  They can be helped. You have a smart body and it wants to be well!

Some of the help can come from you.  Sometimes you may need additional help from a skilled massage therapist or a yoga instructor to get carpal tunnel pain relief.

Muscles have

some basic needs:  food, movement, water, nutrients.

Food:  Muscles need healthy foods with lots of B vitamins, minerals and other vitamins, too.  This is not an option.  If you want a healthy, pain-free body, you must feed it well.  Your car needs a specific type of fuel to perform well.  Your body does too.  There’s more information in the Carpal Tunnel Tool Kit.

Movement:  Muscles need to move.  You were made to move.  When muscles get “out of balance” we get into trouble.  We start getting into pain.  Doing balancing movements like yoga or stretching and strengthening moves can help get your muscles back into balance.  When your muscles are pretty evenly used on all sides of your body, they tend to be much, much happier.

Water:  When your muscle cells get all of the water they need to perform their functions well, they can do their job properly.

Nutrients:  This may seem to come under Food but it seems that we need many more nutrients than we can get from “eating healthy.”  We have to overcome the effects of all types of pollution all around us.

2021 update:  80,000 chemicals were introduced into our environments in the last 30 years. 🙁

Taking a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement can help us get everything we need for our muscles to be happy and to overcome a lot of that chemical pollution.

If you have had your symptoms for a long time, or if you have other underlying medical conditions that cause the pain in your hand, wrist and arm, you may not have the total benefit you would like from these suggestions.  Regardless, if you use this advice you will have at least some benefit.

There’s more help available in the Carpal Tunnel Tool Kit.  I created this natural, simple program just for you with all of the tools I’ve uncovered over the years of treating people who have pain.

Bodies are logical creatures.  They have certain needs.  If you give your body what it needs to be well, your chances become much better to have carpal tunnel pain relief naturally.

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