Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Caused by Compression in Your Wrist

The carpal tunnel is the internal “tunnel”, or passageway, enclosed by your wrist bones.  Your nerves and blood vessels pass through
this “tunnel.”  If this area gets compressed (squeezed–which happens from position, swelling or crushing) uncomfortable sensations in your hand can result.

Compression can result from movements such as tilting.  We are made to move in a variety of ways so periodic tilting won’t hurt but holding your hand or arm in a bent position for a long time might.  Why?

Because when your hand is

tilted there will be less space in the carpal tunnel.  So swelling and compression can be the result of incorrect repetitive use of the hands, arms and body.

Whether what you have is called carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive stress injury or somethingelse, the cure is basically the same.  Why?

Because the cause isbasically the same: soft tissue irritation and muscle imbalance.  Somepeople might say “soft tissue damage,” but I don’t want you to think inany way that you are “damaged.”

You’re not!

Soft tissue is everything which is not bone.  Muscles, skin, nerves, fat and everything else which is not bone is soft tissue.  Soft tissue pain responds very well to certain types of massage. 🙂

So the good news is that soft tissue problems can be made better naturally and carpal tunnel syndrome is almost always a soft tissue problem.  That means you can get natural carpal tunnel pain relief!

Of course, sometimes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has other causes which your doctor can help you with.  Those causes can include such things as immune system disorders and diabetes.


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