Carpal Tunnel Pain Improves With Stretching!

Your body was designed to function best when you do certain things.
When you do those things–like stretching–you can start to get rid of
your carpal tunnel symptoms.

Readers often write just to let me know they’re doing better.  And sometimes they have questions.  Either way, I love getting questions and comments.  It helps me do my job better.

My job is (1) to help you understand how your body works and (2) to provide you with self-help information you can use to get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms naturally.

Here’s a nice e-mail I received.  I wrote a nice e-mail back.  You’ll see it below.

Thank you so much for all the information you sent me on carpal tunnel. You have been a great help!  I have been doing some stretching and i have noticed a bit of relief..i haven’t yet read everything you sent me as i am a
very busy grandmother and lately i don’t get much time to myself,but i
do try and read a bit every day.Through your information i am understanding a lot more, i was in so much pain lately that i thought surgery was my only option.
I have a lot of pain in my upper back,neck as well as in my lower back and down the side of my legs almost like a pulling pain.
Realizing now how much its all connected and how stretching relieves the pain,i will try and keep up the stretching.
Thank you so much again, you were like an answer to my prayer…

Don’t you love it?  She took action!  I’m always so proud of someone when I know

they are taking action.  So I wrote back:

Thank you for your great letter.  I am happy to help and happy that you are “getting the picture” about how everything in your body is attached.  Now, you know more than many doctors!  🙂

I know your time is short, but if you can go to Simple Strengthening you will find movements that you can do in your bed which will help you get the stronger back side you need while you stretch the short front muscles.  Sometimes the very best time to stretch and strengthen your back is when you have a few moments to yourself in bed!

I think you’ll like this article:

Here’s another article you might like about hip pain (your hip muscles attach to your legs):

I know in my heart that if you continue to do what your body needs, you will continue to feel improvement.

Dear Reader, if you would like to write to me, you can find my address on my “About” page or just comment here.  I’d love to hear from you telling me how you got rid of your carpal tunnel pain, naturally.

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