Stretching For Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Stretching and relieving carpal tunnel symptoms go “hand in hand.”  Stretching is good for your body. Your muscles actually like to stretch even though they may have “forgotten” exactly how to do it  When you were very young you used to stretch all the time.  Do you remember? Hanging from trees or monkey bars or… Continue reading Stretching For Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

How To Stretch Your Hands To Relieve Your Carpal Tunnel Pain

Are your hands stiff?  Do you have carpal tunnel pain?  Maybe your doctor said you have arthritis.  That’s what they usually say when they don’t know why you have pain. Or, sometimes, they just say, “You are getting old.”  Thanks, doctor! Here’s the thing:  Most of the day we use our hands in a curled… Continue reading How To Stretch Your Hands To Relieve Your Carpal Tunnel Pain

Stretching for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can have several causes but most often the cause is muscles.  Tight overstretched muscles in your back.  Tight shortened muscles in the front of your body.  Muscles can be the primary cause of your symptoms. Strengthening helps and so does stretching but it’s helpful to know WHICH muscles to strengthen and WHICH… Continue reading Stretching for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Carpal Tunnel Pain Improves With Stretching!

Your body was designed to function best when you do certain things. When you do those things–like stretching–you can start to get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms. Readers often write just to let me know they’re doing better.  And sometimes they have questions.  Either way, I love getting questions and comments.  It helps me… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain Improves With Stretching!