Carpal Tunnel? Get Spice In Your Life With Natural Anti-inflammatories

Wanna spice up your life and possibly get rid of carpal tunnel symptoms at the same time?

Ginger and pineapple both have anti-inflammatory properties.  They both help reduce inflammation (swelling) in your tissues.

“Bev” asked me whether there is enough ginger in ginger ale to be helpful?

I truly believe, in my heart, that ginger ale and ginger cookies are tremendously therapeutic on many levels…but the reality is that ginger ale may have either artificial sweeteners (which aren’t healthy) or high fructose corn syrup (which is also not good for us.)  And ginger cookies, well, “calories” is their middle name.

Ginger tea is an option.

You can get tea bags with only ginger or with a blend of spices.  You can also make your own ginger tea.

Get a chunk of fresh ginger from the produce department at the supermarket.  Cut a slice and boil it for several minutes, then let it steep a bit.  Dilute it to your taste, and save the leftover tea and fresh ginger in your fridge.

Ginger comes in capsules at the health food store.  That’s a convenient way to take it and you could start with one capsule a day and go from there.  Read the bottle for directions.

Pineapple enzyme is called bromelain.  You can use it fresh by eating it and you can rub it on and around your area of inflamed muscles.  If you have certain medical conditions, like asthma or angina, it has helped with those symptoms, as well as others.

Some people may be allergic, since pineapple is a plant.  It is not recommended for people with active gastric or duodenal ulcers.  If you take anticoagulant drugs, check with your doctor before taking bromelain.

Many doctors recommend up to 3,000 MCU (a measurement) 3 times a day for several days, and then decreasing the dose to 2,000 MCU 3 times a day.  You will find capsules at the health food store.

Most real spices have health benefits.  If you can fit them into your diet, you will benefit from their healing properties.

I’m not talking about the fake “spices” that are created in chemistry labs for the “food” industry–I’m talking real spices that grew in real dirt on real plants.  There’s a big difference in health benefits.

So, spice up your life to get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms naturally.  And if you’d like more help, please check out an all-natural self-help program that I created just for you–Carpal Tunnel Tool Kit.

“Because You Deserve To Feel Better!”

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