Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Naturally

If you have carpal tunnel pain, relief can be yours.  Naturally!

There are lots of reasons for carpal tunnel pain, and figuring out which reasons are causing your symptoms will help you know what to do to get rid of it without surgery or drugs.  (Although you may need some medication to help you along the rough spots.)

How can you figure out what’s causing your carpal tunnel symptoms?  You can narrow it down

with the following steps:

1.  Educate yourself.  See what seems logical to you.  Your body is logical.

2.  Take action.  Education without action doesn’t help a bit.  You must take action.

3.  If your symptoms are severe, start with several actions right off the bat.  Massive pain needs massive action.  You may need someone to help you.

Corrective actions may include changing your diet to eliminate foods and drinks that cause inflammation; stretching the front of your body and arms; correcting your posture; taking vitamins or minerals to improve deficiencies and more.

Why should you do this?  Because you deserve to feel better.

You deserve carpal tunnel pain relief!


  1. Thank you. My goal is to empower people, to help them understand their body WANTS to be well and free of pain, and CAN be well and pain-free, but it needs some do-able help from them.
    I believe in my heart that when someone realizes that pain happens for reasons, and if they get rid of the reasons, they can get rid of the pain…that’s like a shaft of light opening from the dark clouds.

  2. Kathryn, I thoroughly appreciate the clarity of your advice and observations. “Education without action doesn’t help a bit.” “Your body is logical.” To someone suffering from pain, these succinct statements must feel like a rich vein of reliable guidance. This was great!

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