Carpal Tunnel Surgery or Natural Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Should you have carpal tunnel surgical release?  Or should you try natural, non-invasive therapies first?  Of course, I always think we should go for the least invasive, most natural therapy for any pain first but apparently at least one surgeon doesn’t.

Actually, I learned years ago that if you want an opinion it’s not generally a good idea to go to a surgeon.

Surgeons have jobs which require cutting.  That’s what they excel at; that is their specialty.  I’m terribly grateful they have the ability to cut us and often fix us.  A surgeon fixed me or I wouldn’t be here writing for you.  But lots of times, that’s just not what we need.

I read a Carpal Tunnel Forum post and the writer said her surgeon had confirmed that she had

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. (Remember:  a “syndrome” is a bunch of symptoms.  Symptoms happen for a reason.)  He confirmed that she had pressure on a nerve which was causing her carpal tunnel symptoms but he wasn’t sure where the pressure was.  (It is most often caused by muscles in your arm, chest, neck or elsewhere.)

So, the surgeon said, we can do the carpal tunnel surgical release and if it doesn’t help, then we will know the pressure is elsewhere.


Did I read that correctly?  I did.  I double checked and triple checked.

How about this instead:

Find out how to release all of the muscles which could be the cause of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Release them or have them released by a knowledgeable massage therapist.

Correct your posture to take the pressure off the nerves.

Start taking Vitamin B6 (a B6 deficiency is a very common cause of CTS.)

I’m NOT a doctor but I am a logical person and logic tells me that we should first do the least invasive, safest, most natural healing therapies possible before we make permanent changes that may NOT take away your carpal tunnel symptoms.

Since there are a lot of possible causes for CTS, there is a lot to look at before “going under the knife.”

What do you think?


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