Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cause Stress?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome causes pain.  Pain causes stress.  How does this happen?

Your body is designed to be able to function even when it has some things going on that make it uncomfortable.  You can function just fine when you have a little pain or a little bit of emotional discomfort or your checkbook is just a “little” out of balance.

But when you have not one but TWO flat tires on the way to work and your beloved pet has fleas and your child or spouse has just run off to be a clown in the circus and you’re having a bad hair day and you cracked your toe and you lost your wallet and your hand is hurting!  Then, wow, your whole system can be overwhelmed and stress takes over.

Stressful feelings can overwhelm your whole body and make you feel even worse.

The pain in your wrist and the numbness and tingling in your hand just contribute even more to your overwhelm.  The stress you feel also adds to your carpal tunnel symptoms.


Because everything in your body is attached.  What happens to one part affects everything else including your emotions.

So, it works both ways:  Your carpal tunnel symptoms can cause stress.  Your stress can cause your symptoms to feel worse.

By getting rid of everything that is causing your stress–one thing at a time–not only will your stress level go down but your pain level will also go down.

Sometimes you can’t get rid of all of the stressful things in your life (did you really need that clown of a spouse anyway?)

Sometimes the best way and easiest way to get rid of your stress naturally is to learn to meditate or how to breathe to free your mind and relax.  Walking is another good stress-buster.

By doing what you need to do to figure out the causes of your carpal tunnel symptoms and get rid of them, you will also start lowering your stress level.

Less pain equals less stress.

Scroll through the “Categories.”  You can find everything you need to figure out the causes of your carpal tunnel symptoms and natural ways to get rid of them right here at Carpal Tunnel Pain

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