Foods With the Most Vitamin B6 to Reduce Carpal Tunnel Inflammation

Vitamin B6 is just one of many necessary vitamins for all of us.  If you have a sufficient amount of this vitamin, it will help get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms.

To increase your intake of Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) you can eat the following foods:

Red bell peppers (raw); boiled spinach; boiled turnip greens; bananas; yellowfin tuna; chicken and turkey breast; baked or broiled Chinook salmon, cod fish, snapper fish, halibut fish, tuna fish: and beef.

Boiled cauliflower, raw celery, boiled cabbage, steamed asparagus, kale, steamed broccoli, boiled Brussels sprouts, swiss chard and garlic.  Watermelon, green peas, sweet potatoes and yams.

Kidney beans, sunflower seeds, carrots, corn, crabmeat, lentils, lima beans potatoes, brown rice, soybeans, eggs, pearled barley and bran, raisins and whole grains.

Vitamin B6 is critical to your health and wellness.

Conventional medicine (your doctor) knows that people who have carpal tunnel symptoms often have a deficiency in B6.

A deficiency (not enough in your body) may show up as skin conditions, asthma, depression, carpal tunnel syndrome, nervous system and cardio conditions, and other symptoms.

How else can you increase your vitamin B6 intake?

With a good nutritional supplement, of course.  You can buy B6 by itself, a good mix of B-vitamins (because they work together) or ask your doctor for a recommendation.

Remember, an educated patient is one who will get well faster.  You can get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms by educating yourself and taking action.

“Because You Deserve to Feel Better!”


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