How Can I Tell If I Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Are you wondering whether you have carpal tunnel syndrome?

There are three categories of people who have true carpal tunnel
syndrome:  pregnant women, people with diabetes, and a few people who have a smaller than average carpal tunnel space.

The carpal tunnel symptoms of pregnant women typically go totally away after delivery.

Diabetic individuals need treatment from their doctor for their diabetes.  If it is under control, their carpal tunnel symptoms may go away.

In those two cases, there are soft tissue (everything that is not bone)
changes due to the situation that cause swelling and pressure in the
carpal tunnel.

The third case is people who have a smaller than average carpal tunnel space (very few people.)  They may be able to reduce symptoms by keeping their weight down, staying in good health, keeping their arm tissues healthy and avoiding aggravating movements and positions.

If you have pain in your wrist, hand or arm, but are not in one of these three groups, then your carpal tunnel area pain is most likely caused by muscles and “trigger points” in your chest, back, arm, neck or shoulder muscles.

If you have numbness, tingling, pain or weakness in the palm side of your thumb and part or all of your fingers except the little finger, you may have true carpal tunnel syndrome.

In that case, your best options are to eat well, supplement with vitamins and minerals, stay healthy, avoid movements which aggravate your carpal tunnel pain, and strengthen your back, neck and shoulders.

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