How Can You Stop Your Carpal Tunnel Pain?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms may go away when you rest your muscles, do different activities, use proper (“good”) body mechanics and posture, and exercise (move) and strengthen the muscles in your arm.

But if you don’t keep doing all of those things, your symptoms can come back.  (Symptoms are things like pain, tingling, numbness, knots in your back.)

Your symptoms started because you were doing things your body didn’t like.  It complained.  You listened.  Now you are here.

Here is a partial list of things you can do to get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms.

1.  Have a

professional massage.  You can find information here in the “Massage” Category.  Here’s one article.

2.  Do-it-yourself massage.

3.  Make improvements in the food you eat.  Avoid highly processed and “fake” foods and eat healthier stuff.  This gets rid of additives your body doesn‘t like and gives it more things that it does like so it can function better.  Look in the “Nutrition & Health” Category here.  The right food also reduces inflammation/swelling.

4.  Strengthen your back and improve your posture.  Go to Simple Strengthening for lots of helpful articles.  Or get the easy to use, even in bed, program at the Simple Strengthening Course.

5.  Take balanced B-Complex vitamins or a really good multi-vitamin & mineral supplement.  There’s a helpful, good report on nutrition in the Carpal Tunnel Tool Kit.

6.  Stretch the muscles in the front of your body.  (They are the ones that get short.  They don’t complain much–they just cause problems.)  Check out the “Stretching” Category here on the right.  They’re also in the Carpal Tunnel Tool Kit program.

7.  If you work at a desk or laptop, read up on how to have a more ergonomic work station and make it happen.

There are more things you can do but these are good places to start.  The more good things you do for your body, the happier it will be.  The happier you will be, too, because you will have relief from your carpal tunnel pain. 🙂

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