Is Surgery the Answer to Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

There are three types of people who have true carpal tunnel syndrome:  people with diabetes, pregnant women and people who have a smaller-than-average carpal tunnel.

The “carpal tunnel” is a passageway through your wrist.  Blood vessels and nerves pass through this “tunnel.”  There is only so much space.

When muscles and other soft tissues get strained, or irritated, they swell.  If they swell near your wrist, they take more space in your carpal tunnel.  This can create symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.  (A “syndrome” is a collection of “symptoms.”)

If you have a tunnel that is smaller than average (which very few people have) and if you have a severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome, then perhaps surgery seems like the best alternative.  That is a decision that you and your doctor will have to make.

Keep in mind, about 50% of carpal tunnel surgeries are “successful.”  And, out of those successful surgeries, about 50% of the patients begin to have pain in their carpal tunnel areas again within the next two years.

Why is it that the “unsuccessful” surgeries did not relieve carpal tunnel?

Perhaps the true cause of the carpal tunnel pain was not addressed by the surgery.  This happens with other types of surgeries, too.  That’s why surgeons do fewer back surgeries now.

So is surgery the best answer to carpal tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel pain?

Is wearing a girdle the best solution for weak abdominal muscles?  Or, is the solution

to hold in your stomach muscles until they grow stronger?

Is wearing a body brace the best solution for a weak torso?  Or, is it a better solution to strengthen your trunk muscles and stand straight under your own muscle power?

How about some therapeutic massage to take some of the strain out of your muscles?

What about learning how to use all of your muscles in your arms and body?  That would take the pressure out of your carpal tunnel.  It would also lessen the strain on the muscles that are causing your carpal tunnel discomfort in the first place.

Is that an “instant fix” like surgery might be?

No.  But, it is an all-natural fix that requires no surgery, no recuperation, no possible side-effects.  It will also give you whole-body benefits.

Your carpal tunnel syndrome will get better and you will feel better all over.

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