Numbness in Hand Increasing Even With Wrist Splint–What to Do

A recent question to Dr. Peter Gott, a medical doctor and columnist, asked what to do for numbness that was increasing even though the inquirer wears a night splint.

Dr. Gott gives a lot of good solid medical advice which sometimes leans to the non-conventional but not this time.  People with symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are pretty much always given the same advice by their medical doctors that Dr. Gott gives.

What am I trying to say here?

They are missing the mark.

The reason that Dr. Gott’s reader is having more daytime (and nighttime) numbness is quite possibly because the problem is coming from higher up and not from her wrist.

As the reader sleeps, she may be squashing her

shoulder (if she is a side sleeper) and causing compression on the nerves that serve her hand.  Yes, they are way up in your neck!

Or she may be sleeping on her back with her head pushed forward.  This can cause pressure on the nerves in your neck which in turn can cause numbness in your hand.

What does this mean?  Surgery at the wrist in this case (as in many cases) may not remove the cause of the numbness.

Everything in your body works together–it’s all attached.  Just because the numbness is in your hand does not necessarily mean it starts in that area.  Your symptoms can be caused by parts of your body quite far from the area that hurts.

Here is the link to Dr. Gott’s article if you would like to read the whole question and answer.

There is a lot of information here at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief to help you understand what causes your symptoms.  The more you understand, the better your chances of getting rid of the numbness in your hand naturally.

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