Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (pain, numbness and tingling around your carpal tunnel) and Fibromyalgia Syndrome (generalized all-over pain usually including other symptoms) have something in common. They are both pain syndromes. A “syndrome” is a collection of “symptoms.” Symptoms are signals that your body is complaining about something.  That “something” could be something you do…or don’t… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 7 Healthy Ways to Reduce, Prevent and Stop CTS

Here are seven ways you can prevent, reduce and get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms. These steps help eliminate the things that cause carpal tunnel syndrome.  Pain always has a cause, and getting rid of the cause will get rid of your pain. Get strong arms–I mean the back side of your upper arms. … Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 7 Healthy Ways to Reduce, Prevent and Stop CTS

The Muscle In Your Neck That Causes “Knots” and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

There are two pain syndromes that can both be caused by the same set of muscles, even though the symptoms are not close together.Carpal tunnel syndrome and “knots” in your upper back (muscle spasm between your shoulder blade and spine) can be caused by your neck muscles. This cause of both carpal tunnel symptoms and… Continue reading The Muscle In Your Neck That Causes “Knots” and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Who Can Help You Get Rid of Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Who can help you get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms? Here are four possible causes for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and the people who can help you for each of the causes: Diabetes.  You need a doctor to help you control your sugar diabetes.  You can often take control yourself with diet and lifestyle changes,… Continue reading Who Can Help You Get Rid of Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Pain on the Outside of Your Middle Finger? Is it Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Do you have pain on the back side of your middle finger?  Does it also run toward your elbow on the same side of your forearm? This is not carpal tunnel syndrome.  This middle finger pain is a separate event, although it is possible that carpal tunnel syndrome and middle finger pain could happen together.… Continue reading Pain on the Outside of Your Middle Finger? Is it Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Pain on the Palm Side of Your Middle Finger? Is it Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Pain in the palm side of your middle finger is not carpal tunnel syndrome.  It is a different situation but it could happen at the same time as carpal tunnel syndrome. If you have pain on the palm side of your middle finger, you will also usually feel it extending beyond the tip of your… Continue reading Pain on the Palm Side of Your Middle Finger? Is it Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Does Posture Play a Part in Carpal Tunnel and Other Pain Syndromes?

Did you ever ask yourself whether your posture might be contributing to your carpal tunnel syndrome? Hmmmm? If you did, it probably does. It’s very easy to get poor posture.  Soooo easy. If your back muscles are weak, they let your back become rounded.  If your back becomes rounded, that allows your head to move… Continue reading Does Posture Play a Part in Carpal Tunnel and Other Pain Syndromes?

Does Massage Hurt if You Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

There is always a reason when you get carpal tunnel pain.  Sometimes the reason is easy to figure out.  In the field of massage, there are many professionals who have an excellent understanding of the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome but not all do.  Click that link to discover how to find a massage therapist… Continue reading Does Massage Hurt if You Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Can Massage Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that therapeutic massage can be a great help in relieving the pain and the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome. Sometimes, massage along with a few changes in position, posture and habits is all you will need to get rid of your carpal tunnel discomfort. Now, I have… Continue reading Can Massage Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome–5 Reasons Why Your Children and Teens Will Get CTS

Are your children in danger of getting carpal tunnel syndrome? You bet they are! Here’s why your children or teenagers will get carpal tunnel syndrome or headaches and back pain or other dysfunction. Chaplain Kate Braestrup told the story about going with her son to an informational meeting at a local armed forces recruiting office. … Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome–5 Reasons Why Your Children and Teens Will Get CTS