Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Pain–What’s the Worst That Can Happen

People with carpal tunnel pain can get desperate.  They want so much to feel better and many doctors will encourage them to have surgery.

If you read more here at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief, you will understand that sometimes surgery just isn’t the “cure” that’s needed.

I’m going to share an article with you about a woman who had carpal tunnel release surgery.  I don’t know her so I don’t know exactly which natural steps she took–or didn’t take.  Her husband (the author) does share that she is diabetic.

Surgery doesn’t always work.  There can be several reasons.  This woman may not have had the worst possible response but it certainly feels that way to her and her husband.

You may wonder why more doctors don’t encourage natural solutions?  Well, it’s just because they don’t know about them.  The article talks about the possibility of

having a second surgery later on the other hand.  Hopefully before that, the wife will have relief from natural therapies.

Since I don’t like to speculate and cannot make any guesses about her situation, here’s the article:

When Doctors tell you the worst that can happen, believe it!

The story begins with my wife, mother of 3 boys, school teacher and probably one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. She started having symptoms of Carpel Tunnel 4 years ago. She began a regimen of exercises to increase the flexibility and strength of her wrists and hands. It just continued to get worse and to make it even more frustrating, it began showing up in her other hand. Now moms don’t have time to be ill or out of commission especially with 3 boys. She began sleeping with braces on both hands that would keep her wrists in the proper position. This seemed to help or at least it didn’t get worse during the night. After months of trying everything she went to the Doctor and he suggested Cortisone injections may help eliminate the pain. Now I don’t know about you, but taking a shot in my wrist would make me consider the worst, but then I’m a baby about needles.

The injections worked for about 3 months, she was able to return to her daily routine without pain. It was great seeing her play tennis and do all the things she enjoyed doing. Then it came back, so back to the wrist brace at night, the numbness, the burning and just agony that effected her general outlook. Back to the Doctor for another round of shots, those hurt but my wife has a tremendous threshold for pain and within a day or so she resumed what seemed to be a life of pain free happiness. Then the pain came back a few months later and after consultation with a few Doctors, the decision was made to undergo surgery on one hand during spring break and the other over the summer while she was out of school.

We left our house around 5:30 one morning heading to the surgical center to have the Out Patient procedure performed. We had high hopes that this was going to end all her pain. The doctor said everything went well and she would feel better within a day or so. Merrily we drove home and she went right to bed to sleep off the effects of the procedure. The second day the pain medication was worn off and she began taking half of one pain pill, I would have taken 2 just for fun, but this didn’t quite kill the pain. Now it has been a month and she still wakes up in the middle of the night with a severe burning in her middle finger. In spite of the Doctor saying that she should be better in a day or so, it continues to be painful. We hoped having the stitches and bandages removed would help, but it hasn’t. I don’t remember exactly what he described as the “worst that can happen” but short of a major medical catastrophe, this is pretty bad. I am sure that her Diabetes is making everything worse, at least that is what the Doctor wants to put some of the blame on.

She will eventually have to do something with the other hand because it continues to cause her pain but nothing like the one we had “fixed”. You can always hope for the best when you have a medical procedure done, but you may not be one of the lucky ones. Be prepared for the worst but always hope for the best. With some luck her second hand will be the best!

Rastus has been writing articles for nearly 4 years. Come visit his latest website over at  which offers helpful advise on choosing the right  knife sharpeners for the job and information for both the professional and average home owner

Article Source: [—Surgery&id=4231054] Carpel Tunnel Pain – Surgery

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