Does Liniment Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

A curious reader asked me whether it was helpful to use liniment for carpal tunnel syndrome.  That’s a very good question. Liniments act by distracting your brain from the pain.  The distraction might only last as long as the sensation of the ointment or liniment but sometimes the effects last longer.  This is because your… Continue reading Does Liniment Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

I Can Cure Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms! Oh, Really?

“Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now!”  Is this really possible?  Can it be true?  Well, maybe. There are many, many different factors, or causes, in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  It is NOT something that happens just at your wrist.  The causes can be in your whole body or in your neck or in your arm. Surgical treatment… Continue reading I Can Cure Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms! Oh, Really?