Muscles That Cause Pain In Your Fingers

Finger pain can be caused by different areas of muscles and by the nerves that run through those muscles. Did you know that the tendons for your finger muscles are actually located in your lower arm up near your elbow?  The muscle tendons attach to your finger bones and allow movement in your fingers.  On… Continue reading Muscles That Cause Pain In Your Fingers

Thumb and Finger Pain – Could It Be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Pain in your thumb and finger pain may be part of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but it can also be caused by muscles in your upper chest (between your breastbone and arm), on your ribs (under your arm pit), near your elbow in your lower arm (on the palm side) or in your hand. There’s such… Continue reading Thumb and Finger Pain – Could It Be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?