Does Heat Therapy Reduce Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you may have wondered how to use heat to help reduce your pain. A good rule of thumb is heat for muscles and cold for nerves.  Sometimes it’s hard to know which is involved and sometimes both are! If you apply heat to an area, it increases blood flow.… Continue reading Does Heat Therapy Reduce Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Does Ice Therapy Help Reduce Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel pain can be treated both with ice (or cold) therapy and with heat. There are therapists who believe that ice is often the better treatment for carpal tunnel pain.  Ice helps relieve pain and inflammation (swelling and irritation in your tissues.) Ice slows the blood flow temporarily while it acts as a pain… Continue reading Does Ice Therapy Help Reduce Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?