What Causes Repetive Strain Injury

It might seem logical that repetitive strain injury (RSI) is caused by doing the same things over and over.  But that’s not the whole story. Because it’s not just the repetitive movement–it’s repetitive movement done incorrectly. Sometimes poor working positions are unavoidable.  For example, a plumber who works on his back under sinks and does… Continue reading What Causes Repetive Strain Injury

What Is the Cure for Repetitive Stress Injury

I’m so glad they call it “repetitive stress injury.”  Way too often a disorder is called some other name that makes it sound permanent. An “injury,” on the other hand (oops!  Was that a pun?) sounds like something that can heal.  And it can!  Cuts heal.  Broken bones heal. So can syndromes, symptoms, disorders and… Continue reading What Is the Cure for Repetitive Stress Injury

Is It Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Repetitive Strain Injury?

What is the difference between carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injury? Carpal tunnel syndrome is a specific set of symptoms.  It has only a few causes. Repetitive strain injuries are often mis-diagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome. Repetitive strain injuries are caused by either over-use, using your body incorrectly (faulty body mechanics or poor posture)… Continue reading Is It Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Repetitive Strain Injury?