Do You Have The Ability To Heal From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Naturally

When you have pain in your wrist and hand, or numbness or tingling, it can really get to you.  You may feel discouraged.  You may wonder whether you can ever get rid of that pain. Here’s the answer:  Bodies heal all the time. You can heal.  You can get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms. … Continue reading Do You Have The Ability To Heal From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Naturally

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? What Is The First Thing You Should Do

Do you think you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  What is the first thing you should do? The very first thing to do is educate yourself.  An educated patient gets well more quickly than one who is not.  An educated patient also annoys their doctor more. 🙂 Not that you want to annoy your doctor.  It… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? What Is The First Thing You Should Do

Does Hand Exercise Cure Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Does hand exercise cure Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  A comment came to me which said, “with continuous and correct hand movement and medication” carpal tunnel symptoms can be cured. The only problem is…Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is NOT usually caused by the area around the carpal tunnel. Neither is it caused by a deficiency of medication.… Continue reading Does Hand Exercise Cure Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) have lots of things in common. One thing is they are both syndromes. A syndrome is a bunch of symptoms.  Symptoms are things like numbness or pain or headaches. Some of the symptoms of CTS & TOS are similar. In fact, TOS is often mistaken and… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Pain and Your Legs–What’s the Connection?

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome you might like to know the connection between your legs and your wrists.  There really is one! Posture that is collapsing–“forward head”posture–causes carpal tunnel syndrome.  And what does that have to do with your feet? Because forward head posture puts pressure on the muscles, blood vessels and nerves that… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain and Your Legs–What’s the Connection?

Does Your Carpal Tunnel Pain Come From Your Neck? CTS Can Be Caused By Neck Muscles

Sometimes your carpal tunnel symptoms are caused by a muscle in your neck! More info here.

What Are The Symptoms And Causes Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome–Is that what you suspect?  What are the symptoms of CTS and what caused it in the first place? There are many areas of the arm, hand and wrist that may “hurt” or have symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning or pain.  Exactly where it hurts depends on the cause of your symptoms.  And… Continue reading What Are The Symptoms And Causes Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

You Can Heal Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms!

A recent note from Beverly said: “I’m doing much better as far as the carpal tunnel.  I don’t think it is carpal tunnel, but the strain on the muscles in the arm with the (heavy) work I do all day.  You have made me realize I can massage that arm, neck and hand to make… Continue reading You Can Heal Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms!

I’ll Bet You Think Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Started In Your Wrist

If you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you feel most of the symptoms in your hand/wrist.  But, that does NOT mean that’s where the cause is!  No, no, no! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a bunch of symptoms.  Symptoms are caused by something.  Hmmm.  Maybe you think, then, that it’s from repetitive movement?  Or maybe the cause… Continue reading I’ll Bet You Think Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Started In Your Wrist