Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief and Stretching

Does stretching help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? The answer seems to be, “It depends.”  Stretching in general is good, especially stretching the muscles that we hold in short positions for most of our day. Keeping the muscles in the front of your body stretched can help prevent carpal tunnel symptoms in the first place.  It can… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief and Stretching

Have You Stretched Your Carpal Tunnel Today?

We have magnificent bodies that were created to move in all kinds of ways.  But, too often, we stop moving in all of these ways.  When we only use some of our muscles, and not all of them, we get pain symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome. Our muscles are telling us:  “Hey!  Use me!  Make… Continue reading Have You Stretched Your Carpal Tunnel Today?