What Doctors Look For When Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

There are some causes for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that doctors look for when they make a diagnosis.  One of these is diabetes.  One is a genetically (means you were born with it) small carpal  tunnel space (which is rare.)

And, there are a few more which are related to medical problems like either type of arthritis or pregnancy.

But, in my mind (and please remember, I am not a doctor– I am a neuromuscular pain relief specialist) if you take care of your muscles, give them what they need, release the tight muscles that are causing symptoms and work in the most correct, neutral positions that you can, then you have a good chance to get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms even if…

a medical condition like diabetes is part of the cause of your carpal tunnel symptoms.

A good estimate is that around 90% of our pain is caused by muscles!

Here’s an example:

Migraine headaches have lots of triggers and causes.  The more layers of those causes that we can remove, the lower the chance of having a migraine.

I suspect the same is true of the diabetes-carpal tunnel relationship.

Remove as many of the triggers in your diet, nutritional deficiencies, and muscular causes for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and then…

even if you have diabetes, your carpal tunnel symptoms will be less.

That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it!   🙂    Why?

Because you have a smart body.  It wants to be well.  In most cases, it can get better.  Bodies change all the time.  They CAN and DO change for the better when we give them what they need.

Look at the list of Causes for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in the Categories.  Think about which causes might be responsible your pain, numbness or tingling.

There’s a really good chance that you can have carpal tunnel pain relief naturally.

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