Carpal Tunnel Pain and Massage Therapy

Is massage therapy effective in getting rid of your carpal tunnel pain?  It certainly can be.  Massage is OLD medicine and very powerful.

I believe strongly in the power of massage for carpal tunnel pain relief.  Why?

1.  Because massage works.  But only if the therapist knows where to work for your particular symptoms and understands the causes of your hand, wrist and arm symptoms.

But you can’t count on the massage therapist doing all of the work.  You may have to ask for help from a

physical therapist or fitness trainer to help you correct your posture.  Why?  Because lots of hand-wrist pain comes from poor posture.  You can also find easy movements to improve posture and reduce pain here.

2.  Massage is OLD medicine!  It’s been around as long as humans have.

3.  And massage is all natural with no side effects.

You may have some tenderness or even bruising after a session of working on tight muscles, especially the first time you have a massage.  That’s just because your muscles weren’t used to being touched in such a way.  In a few days the tenderness will go away.

The first time you receive a massage it may feel somewhat uncomfortable especially if you have muscles that are really tight and bound up.

If it causes too much discomfort, let your therapist know immediately that you would like him or her to lighten up. You should not be fighting against the pain or clenching your teeth.  Sometimes, it takes very little pressure to cause a great deal of discomfort and you feel it much more than the therapist, so let her know to ease off.

As your muscles start relaxing, eventually you will be able to receive deeper pressure with less discomfort.  You may even say:  “That’s good pain!”  🙂 Your body knows when discomfort is appropriate and will bring relief.

A good massage is a lot like peeling an onion.  As the outer layers get peeled away the therapist can get deeper and deeper into the center of the onion.  Sometimes it takes several sessions for maximum benefit.

A good massage will leave you with a sense of relief or relaxation even or maybe especially if there was some discomfort.  The relief comes from muscles being ‘released’ or relaxed.

If the practitioner is working in the correct areas you will leave with less of the pain or uncomfortable sensation you started with, even after the first session.

You see, muscles are the cause of most pain.  And massage treats muscles.

That’s why massage is such a powerful carpal tunnel pain relief tool.  And you can go to a professional massage therapist (or even a student) or ask a friend or family member to help or even do it yourself.

Inside Carpal Tunnel Natural Relief, there’s a massage video and all of the other information that can help you get rid of your hand, wrist and arm pain naturally.

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