Carpal Tunnel Pain – Do You Have To Live With Pain In Your Hand and Arm?

This might seem off the topic of carpal tunnel syndrome, but…

Sharon said, “My mom’s been having a lot of back pain lately.  She tried one massage and hurt more afterward so she’s afraid to try again.  She’s going to have hospital tests next week.”

I asked her for her mom’s number (I had met her mom before.)

I called Lisa and asked her about her symptoms.  (Pain is a symptom – your body is telling you something.)

Now, you must be wondering how this ties in with carpal tunnel pain, right?  I’ll get to that shortly.

I listened while Lisa told me where it hurt, how her symptoms had been growing worse, and what her doctor said.

She even told me what she suspected caused her back pain.

I told her she was probably correct about the cause of her pain.  It sounded logical to me.  When she drove her car, she would “hover” her foot over the brake pedal in case she needed to respond quickly.

That’s not very relaxing for her emotional state and it puts a lot of strain on her muscles, too.  Tight muscles can press on nerves.

Her doctor had told her to “just wait it out.  It will go away on its’ own.”

I told her that was wise of her doctor.

I explained why doctors do so many fewer surgeries now for back pain.  In many, many cases there was no relief.  (That’s because they were chasing a symptom, rather than actually taking care of the cause.  The cause may well have been muscular. This often happens with carpal tunnel surgery, too.)

I also explained how a nerve needs only a whisper of anything pressing on it to cause symptoms (this includes the nerves that pass through your carpal tunnel.)

Take that barest of pressures off the nerve, and it will settle down.  Sometimes it’s as easy as changing positions.  I suggested a relaxation position which would take pressure off Lisa’s back.

So, we made an appointment for Lisa to see me the following week.

When I walked into the waiting room to get Lisa, she wasn’t there.  Sharon was there!

Sharon said, “My mom hasn’t had any pain in four days, so I came in her place.”

She continued, “My mom said the strangest thing.  She said, ‘I don’t have to have pain for the rest of my life’.”

One of the things I told Lisa, and that I am telling you now, is that you DO NOT have to have carpal tunnel pain for the rest of your life.

Our bodies are wonderful machines, designed

to be healthy and last for years and years.

They are designed to heal.

Bruises heal, cuts heal, broken bones heal, even surgeries heal and those are BIG injuries.

You do not have to have carpal tunnel pain for the rest of your life.  The pain in your arms, hands and wrists can heal.  You can feel better.

Click here to learn about the Carpal Tunnel Tool Kit, an all-natural, simple pain relief program I created just for you.

Will it take some work on your part?

Perhaps a few changes in the way you do things?  Maybe strengthening your back and doing relaxing movements and stretches for your hands and arms?

Yes.  But you are worth it.

“Because You Deserve To Feel Better!”

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