Carpal Tunnel Surgery or a Natural Carpal Tunnel Remedy

The pain, tingling and numbness in your hands can really get to you!  Any type of chronic pain causes worry and stress.  And you’d like relief, right?  The sooner the better!  That’s natural.

I’m not a doctor but my suggestion is to consider surgery only as a last resort.  Once your wrist has been cut and altered (or any other part of your body) it is never the same.  There can always be unwanted effects during the surgery or afterward.

Sometimes surgery is actually, really, truly required in the cases or emergencies or accidents.  But way too often, surgery is offered as a cure-all when it’s not.

Here are some natural therapies that can help your carpal tunnel pain.

1.  Some

chiropractors use gentle manipulation of the muscles and tissues around the neck and other areas that can cause hand and wrist symptoms.  (But some aren’t gentle; just as there are many types of massage therapy, there are many types of chiropractic, too.)

2.  Some massage therapists understand how bodies work and can help relax or “release” the muscles that cause carpal tunnel symptoms.  You can even learn how to do-it-yourself.  Massage is almost always my first choice for injury rehab or pain relief.

3.  Physical therapy may help you get back into a more normal posture and take away a lot of the causes of your pain.

4.  Feldenkrais Method and Yoga can both help you get back into muscular balance.  Both are natural movement therapies.

5.  Vitamin B6.  Your doctor knows about this.

None of these are “instant cures” (although sometimes massage can be pretty quick, depending on the therapist) but neither is surgery (although with nerve discomfort the nervy sensations may be relieved pretty quickly.)  So while surgery is sometimes the only good option, most of the time the best option is a natural carpal tunnel pain relief remedy.

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