Stretching For Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Stretching and relieving carpal tunnel symptoms go “hand in hand.”  Stretching is good for your body.

Your muscles actually like to stretch even though they may have “forgotten” exactly how to do it  When you were very young you used to stretch all the time.  Do you remember?

Hanging from trees or monkey bars or jungle gyms.  Swinging (stretch those legs!)  Playing.  You were always moving and stretching and strengthening your muscles.  You didn’t have hand or wrist pain then.

So how about we get back to stretching?

An article I just read showed many

stretches for carpal tunnel symptoms.  The article had a pretty good grasp of which muscles are involved but there was something I didn’t like much.

There was a lot of forcing going on.  Extreme stretches.  The kind that could aggravate your muscles and your joints.  Stretches with pressure applied.  Might work for some folks but not for everyone.

Good as stretching is, it is possible to stretch too much.  I’ve done it myself to calves and hands.  I have caused myself discomfort that I didn’t have before.  Oh well, that’s how I learn.  🙂

So how SHOULD you stretch?

Gently.  Thoughtfully.  Logically.  Mindfully.

If you pay attention to your stretch it is less likely that you will over-stretch or cause yourself more discomfort.  Stretch just to the point of muscle tension–you can tell you are stretching–and just feel it.

Be aware of the stretching sensation and don’t force it.

Here’s an example.  If you grab your thumb and pull it to the side and back you may feel discomfort in the thumb joint.  But if you OPEN your hand wide–separate all of your fingers and your thumb–and stretch without the assist of your other hand your experience will be different.

Do you feel the stretch in your muscles now instead of in your joint?

And something else to keep in mind when you decide what to stretch:  The muscles in the FRONT of your body are usually the short, tight ones that need to be stretched.

Stretching is a very good thing and when done properly can help a huge amount to straighten your posture and get rid of your carpal tunnel pain naturally.

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