Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Your Ability to Heal Naturally versus Surgery

Can you heal naturally from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  Or will you need surgery?  Here’s the story my client Betty told me.

About 15 years ago, Betty was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Her doctors advised her to have surgery.

She did not want to have surgery.  So she didn’t.

Instead she started wearing a wrist brace at night and she made some changes in the way she worked.  Betty worked in a cafeteria and did lots of heavy lifting.  By and by,

she retired.

She didn’t have the carpal tunnel surgery.  She did get better.

Bodies are smart.  They can heal naturally.  Your body, too! 🙂

Betty told me that just recently she started having carpal tunnel symptoms again.  So she got out her wrist brace to wear at night and, again, her symptoms are going away.  Sometimes it’s just that simple.

In this situation, Betty may have been curling her wrists during sleep.  That’s why the night-time brace helped.

Sometimes there are several causes for your symptoms and each one needs to be addressed.

Sometimes the cause of your symptoms is not a common one.  You may have to do some research to get to the root cause.  You may have to take some type of action to get better.  That’s okay!

People sometimes do need surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but, lots and lots and lots and lots of the time, they can get rid of the CAUSE(S) of their symptoms naturally.

Sometimes surgery IS the answer.  If bones or a cyst are pressing into your carpal tunnel space, surgery may be required.

Now, I have to tell you.  I LOVE doctors.  I LOVE surgeons.  Without the skilled hands of surgeons, I would not be here today talking with you.

But surgery is not always the best answer.

So, why does your doctor offer surgery? 

  • That’s what most medical schools teach–medicine and surgery–to solve patient complaints.
  • And many doctors don’t know any differently–it’s not what they learned in medical school.
  • And even if a doctor does understand the value of self-help or natural help to help you get better, he or she doesn’t have the time to instruct you (but I do.)  🙂
  • Many doctors don’t believe their patient will follow through with self-help.
  • The doctor may think you want “instant” relief.
  • And, sometimes there is financial benefit to the doctor.

Also, here’s a little tip I learned first hand:

If you want an opinion, do NOT go to a surgeon!!  No, no, no!

His specialty is surgery.  Surgery is what he knows.  Surgery is how he or she fixes things.  Almost always, the opinion will be…surgery!

And, surgery doesn’t provide “instant relief.”  It hurts.  You have to heal from the surgery.  Sometimes it doesn’t help or only helps for a couple of years.  (That is because the surgery did not address the CAUSE of your pain–only the symptoms.)

Betty and other people have gotten rid of their Carpal Tunnel Syndrome naturally.  I have received notes from clients and readers who have said, “My pain is gone.”

Or, “The massage therapist was awesome.  My pain is gone.”

“I’m playing the drums again after 20 years.”

“My doctor is amazed how quickly I’m healing.”

And even, “I still have some pain but I am no longer afraid.  I understand how my body works now and that I can heal.”  I LOVE that!  That’s what I want for you–no fear.

You CAN heal.

Look around here.  Take advantage of this great information to help you get natural carpal tunnel pain relief.  I’ll be glad to help.


  1. Hi Ellen, I appreciate your comment.
    The least amount of medical intervention also applies to drugs.
    When we give our bodies what they need to get well, they can very often get well naturally.
    Sometimes drugs or surgery ARE the answers we need but most often we can heal naturally by giving our smart bodies what they need.

  2. I attest to what you say about surgeons being biased towards surgery. I recall a comment my sister-in-law, a physician had to say about surgeons. It went something like this – “surgeons will cut anything–including a vegetable.” My personal philosophy is: less is more. That is, the least amount of medical intervention to do the job is the way I want to go.

  3. Hi Michelle, Thank you for writing. There is a lot of good information here for you to read and share with your physiotherapist (in case he or she wants to know more.)
    Don’t be afraid about the nerve conduction rest results. Bodies heal all the time. Taking the pressure off the nerve will allow it to heal. Your physio and I can help you take the steps to do that.
    Be sure your physio treats ALL of the muscles that can contribute to your CTS. That includes the muscles in your neck.
    You can get more info about a self-help course that’s all “hands on” (your hands 🙂 ) at .
    I’m looking forward to you writing again one day and saying you are all better. You are doing the right things. 🙂

  4. My name is Michele have battled with Carpal Tunnel syndrome for the past 4 years has just flared up again i am seeing a really good physio who is determined to heal me without having to go and have surgery. I am wearing a wrist brace and because my work involves strenuous work having to reduce the workload as well, i have a good support network so that is half the battle. Having a Nerve conduction test to see how severe it is and we will go from there.

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