Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Your Ability to Heal Naturally versus Surgery

Can you heal naturally from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  Or will you need surgery?  Here’s the story my client Betty told me. About 15 years ago, Betty was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Her doctors advised her to have surgery. She did not want to have surgery.  So she didn’t. Instead she started wearing a wrist… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Your Ability to Heal Naturally versus Surgery

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Pain Relief Gels, Sprays and Ointments – 4 Reasons They Help

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome won’t be cured by applying pain relief sprays, gels or ointments but here are four reasons they could possibly help. 1.  Applying the gel or cream with your hands means that you are moving your hands or arms quite possibly in a different way than position than usual.  Using your muscles in… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Pain Relief Gels, Sprays and Ointments – 4 Reasons They Help

You Can Heal Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms!

A recent note from Beverly said: “I’m doing much better as far as the carpal tunnel.  I don’t think it is carpal tunnel, but the strain on the muscles in the arm with the (heavy) work I do all day.  You have made me realize I can massage that arm, neck and hand to make… Continue reading You Can Heal Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms!

Carpal Tunnel Pain? Small Corrections Can Make A Big Difference

Do you carpal tunnel pain?  Or pain in your wrist and hand?  Small movement corrections can help. How do we get carpal tunnel syndrome in the first place?  Here’s a common way. Your arms and hands have been stuck in a particular position for a long period. Where? How about every day at work?  You… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain? Small Corrections Can Make A Big Difference