Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? How to Eat to Heal Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Your car runs on gasoline (probably.)

You wouldn’t put milk in your car.  It wouldn’t work.

Your pet needs food that will help it remain healthy.  You probably don’t feed your pet Snickers bars for lunch every day.  That would cause illness for your pet.


Maybe you like Snickers candy bars for lunch every day, and habits can be a little hard to break.

Well, “you are what you eat.”  Truly.

If you give your body the “fuel” it needs, your body will function better.

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, there’s a good chance that you have some vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

Perhaps you don’t have enough vitamin B6.  That’s a common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome.  There are a couple of articles here at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief.  Just look under “nutrition” in the “categories.”

Perhaps your body is hungry for something you aren’t giving it–it knows something is missing.

So much of the “food” we buy is processed (made in a factory–and they may not be looking out for our health there.)  So many additives go into processed foods (and they aren’t all good for us, either.)

There is a lot of confusion about what is a “healthy” diet or way of eating.  Some folks say “low carb” and some don’t have a clue what a “carb” is, or what makes a carb good or bad.

Some people say “high protein” and some who follow that don’t look at the long-term outcome.

Here are some suggestions on eating to heal your carpal tunnel symptoms.  (Remember, most of your symptoms involve your muscles and soft tissues.  Muscles and soft tissues, as well as your bones and brain, have nutrition requirements which must be met in order for them to function well.)

1.  Eat meals that are well-balanced.  What does that mean?  Pick 3 to 5 foods which are completely different from each other for each meal.  Have “colorful” foods on at least 3/4 of your plate.  (You’re not fooling your body if those colorful foods include Cheese Puffs or a breakfast cereal with fake fruit chips in it.)  Eat Real and Whole Foods as much as possible.

2.  Skip junk foods.  There is a reason they are called “junk foods.”  They don’t help your body heal or be well.  They include soda pop, hyper-sweetened cereal, alcoholic drinks, sugar and other sweeteners (including artificial), and “snacks.”  Instead, try to replace those things with water, fruits and veggies–Real Foods.

3.  Take your time when you eat.  Try to carve out a time when you can sit down and pay attention to your food and enjoy it.  Chew well so all the nutrients will be released into your body.

4.  Pay attention to your body wisdom.  After you eat a certain food, if you notice

that your nose gets stuffy, you get a headache, your belly swells, or just don’t feel so well, you might have an allergy or sensitivity to that food.  Two foods that commonly cause a reaction are wheat and milk.

Did you know that certain foods can even cause depression?  And certain processed foods cause vitamin deficiencies?

And, vitamin B6 deficiency is known to cause carpal tunnel syndrome!

Also, wouldn’t you like a strong immune system?  Eating well can do that.

So, remember:  It is important for you to get as much benefit from your food as possible.

And, while it would be ideal to eat organic, if you can’t, don’t worry.  Just do your best.  You can still make a big difference in your health.

The more healthily you feed all of your muscles and tissues–your whole body–the more quickly your carpal tunnel symptoms will heal.

And that’s a good thing.

“Because You Deserve to Feel Better!”  And…if you’d like to look into even more help getting rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms naturally, please click here:  Carpal Tunnel Tool Kit

1 comment

  1. I really appreciate your practical advice – with a dash of your humor thrown in for good measure! Your tip about taking time when we eat stood out for me. Pausing to pay attention in that way enhances the enjoyment of the food, as well as of the moment.
    Doing ANYTHING mindfully is a wonderful gift that we can choose to give ourselves, each and every moment. Thanks for being mindful of that!

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