Doctor Can’t Find Reason For Your Carpal Tunnel Pain?

If doctors cannot find a reason for the pain in your hands and wrists that is GOOD NEWS!

The reason it’s good news is because that almost always means the cause of your pain is muscles. And muscles can be treated. 🙂

The muscles in your lower arms can be a big part of the cause of your carpal tunnel pain. Sometimes your

hand, wrist and arm pain also comes from the muscles on the sides of your neck.

Do you think you have a ‘forward head’ posture? Do you hunch over? If so, it can be those neck muscles.

Here are some more ideas:

1.  Make sure you are sitting in a good, neutral position when you work at a table. Make sure it fits you so you don’t have to scrunch over.

2.  And there are lots of articles about how you can get a strong back at Having a strong back and neck will help you have less pain in your hands. Why?  Because your back and neck muscles won’t be strained when you work or play.

3.  If you examine your lower arms by rubbing and pressing into the muscles, you will find tender areas. Those tender areas are probably the likely cause of the pain in your hands and wrists. If you press into them, pinch them or massage them they can start to relax and then you will feel better.  Don’t be afraid if there’s some discomfort–that means those areas are “too tight” and need some thoughtful treatment.

It turns out that muscles are largely overlooked by the medical profession.  Most doctors just don’t realize the role that muscles can play in causing pain in your hands and wrist.

Heck, most don’t even realize how muscles cause headaches and back pain.

That’s why it’s good news when your doctor cannot find the cause of your hand pain.  Since muscles can be treated simply, there is a really good chance that you can get rid of your carpal tunnel pain naturally!

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