Is It Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Or Tight Muscles? Or What?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a specific disorder that involves pressure inside the wrist.  There is a ‘tunnel’ that passes through the carpal bones of your hand/wrist.

A ‘syndrome‘ is a collection of symptoms.  It is not a disease.  It’s a bunch of symptoms.

If there is swelling inside the tunnel there is pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that pass through the tunnel from your arm to your hand.  That causes symptoms.

Symptoms are things like numbness, swelling or pain.

Very, very often the symptoms in your hands are

NOT Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  But most doctors don’t know much about muscles so if you complain of hand pain to them you may get a quick diagnosis of CTS.

If it’s muscles that are causing your symptoms (and it usually is) there are steps you can take yourself to help those muscles get happy again.  Those muscles can be in your lower arm, upper arm, chest, upper back or even your neck!

Either those muscles are ‘tight’ and pulling or they have developed trigger points.  Trigger points are very irritable areas of muscle or soft tissue that cause pain elsewhere.

Massage, movement and trigger point therapy are some of the natural cures you can use.

And sometimes your symptoms are caused by diabetes, thyroid disorders, being overweight or pregnant or a vitamin B6 deficiency.  When those things are treated or you lose weight or have your baby, your symptoms can go away.

But most of the time the cause of your discomfort is your muscles.

Natural carpal tunnel pain relief.  🙂





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