I’ll Bet You Think Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Started In Your Wrist

If you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you feel most of the symptoms in your hand/wrist.  But, that does NOT mean that’s where the cause is!  No, no, no!

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a bunch of symptoms.  Symptoms are caused by something.  Hmmm.  Maybe you think, then, that it’s from repetitive movement?  Or maybe the cause is your mouse or keyboard?


While there can be many causes for CTS, such as a vitamin B6 deficiency, the most common cause is…skeletal misalignment.  What does that mean?  It means your whole body is out of alignment.  You have poor posture and it is showing its’ ugly head as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

How did this happen?

Over the years, you have adapted to not enough movement and too much time spent in one position by developing some faulty posture habits.  Some muscles were overused and some got weak.

Since your muscles pull on your bones (and that’s how we move) your bones have been pulled or let go out of their ideal neutral position.

You might be aware that you have a ‘forward head’ posture.  Maybe you’ve noticed that your shoulders roll forward, or are ’rounded.’  A clue is if your thumbs point to each other when you hold your hands at your sides.

But, there is good news!

Bodies change all the time and your body has the ability to heal and become well!  It needs a few things from you:  good nutrition, movement and a strong back.  Maybe a few more things, too, like a good multi-B supplement with vitamin B6.  Maybe some massage to help your muscles normalize again.

Pain is how your body tells you there is a problem.  Your body is giving you a signal that there are things you need to take care of so you will feel well again.

If you have CTS, that means you have a whole body issue going on.  All of the causes–diabetes, overweight, B6 deficiency, some other health problem, or skeletal misalignment caused by collapsed, weak posture–happen in your whole body.  Only the symptoms are felt in your hand and wrist.

When you get rid of the causes, you will get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms.


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