Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Caused by Gardening? Tips to Avoid Wrist & Hand Pain in the Garden

Can Carpal Tunnel Syndrome be caused by something as enjoyable as gardening? Well, first a little history. A “syndrome” is a collection of symptoms.  “Symptoms” are the pain, numbness, weakness or tingling you feel in your hand and arm. There are a lot of muscles that can cause symptoms in your hand, fingers and arms. … Continue reading Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Caused by Gardening? Tips to Avoid Wrist & Hand Pain in the Garden

Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cause Stress?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome causes pain.  Pain causes stress.  How does this happen? Your body is designed to be able to function even when it has some things going on that make it uncomfortable.  You can function just fine when you have a little pain or a little bit of emotional discomfort or your checkbook is… Continue reading Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cause Stress?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: What Causes Carpal Tunnel Symptoms?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a whole body problem or issue.  It’s not something that happens at your wrist or in your arm only.  Your carpal tunnel is attached to your whole body.  Your WHOLE body. You are not a bunch of parts; you are one unit.  Every part of you is attached to every other… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: What Causes Carpal Tunnel Symptoms?

Our Health Would Benefit In The Future With Real Food

How could the way we eat improve in our future? A huge amount of our health problems in this country are caused by the additives, processed, altered and fake “foods” that are available to us.  Many people assume that a product for sale in a grocery store is either food or healthy.  This is not… Continue reading Our Health Would Benefit In The Future With Real Food

Trigger Finger: Is Your Finger Locked In A Closed Position?

Trigger finger is the term that’s used when your finger becomes locked in the closed, or flexed, position.  This painful phenomenon can occur in any finger and in the thumb, too.  Your finger may “click” when you force it open. Muscles 101–Background: Muscles are made up of two parts:  the belly of the muscle and… Continue reading Trigger Finger: Is Your Finger Locked In A Closed Position?

Gardener Hikes Shoulder–Can She Have Relief From Pain & Loss Of Strength?

Does gardening cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Probably not but it can cause pain and numbness in your hand and arm and a lot of the same self-care techniques will help get rid of your symptoms. Here’s a letter I got from a gardener: “I’m a right-handed gardener. I grasp various hand tools, I shovel, I… Continue reading Gardener Hikes Shoulder–Can She Have Relief From Pain & Loss Of Strength?

Is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Related to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome related to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Well, everything is caused by something so it is possible that some of the causes of carpal tunnel symptoms could also cause tarsal tunnel symptoms.  I’m thinking of hormonal imbalances or Vitamin B6 deficiency or muscular imbalances. The tarsal “tunnel” is inside your ankle.  If the… Continue reading Is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Related to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Does Texting or Playing Hand-Held Games Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome caused by texting or using hand-held video games? The answer is “no”, although texting and playing video games can definitely cause pain in your hand and thumb and even into your arm. Maybe even your neck?  And, it is possible to have carpal tunnel symptoms additionally. If you do all of… Continue reading Does Texting or Playing Hand-Held Games Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Have Good Results With Massage For Wrist Pain

People with wrist pain and carpal tunnel symptoms write to me and I love sharing the letters with you.  Joe has had a lot of relief from having a massage therapist work on the most likely muscular causes of his pain. A little background:  Joe took the necessary steps to find out which muscles were… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Have Good Results With Massage For Wrist Pain

How Can You Tell If The Muscles In Your Neck Are Causing Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms?

Something is causing your carpal tunnel symptoms and it could be the muscles in your neck. Here is a simple self-test to determine if your neck muscles are the cause.