Should You Take Anti-Inflammatory Drugs to Help Your Carpal Tunnel Pain

NSAID’s (non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs) don’t cure carpal tunnel symptoms.  Should you take them?  What if they make you feel better?

When you have a repetitive stress injury (RSI) or situations like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, most doctors and websites will advise you to take NSAID’s.

The only problem with this advice is that sometimes they are not helpful.  Sometimes they can actually be harmful.

Dr. Emil Pascarelli MD, author of “Repetitive Strain Injury, A computer User’s Guide,” says, “some doctors

have quit prescribing them for RSI feeling that NSAID’s don’t work and in fact interfere with the body’s natural attempts to clear the bloodstream of debris that forms scar tissue.”

If you have swelling in your carpal tunnel area causing your symptoms, there is a reason.

When you figure out WHY you have the swelling, you can get rid of your symptoms naturally, in most cases.

Remember, NSAID’s don’t cure.  They can mask symptoms.  That means you may feel better but nothing has changed.  They can potentially damage your liver or cause stomach problems.

Every medication has a whole bunch of side effects, even if the medication is over-the-counter.

If you feel the necessity to take just one or two doses to get you through a rough time, then do it.  But don’t get into the habit.  There are lots of natural steps you can take on your journey to get rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms.

How about getting started today?

The more you know about the cause(s) of your symptoms, the faster you can get rid of your carpal tunnel pain and keep it gone.

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