Does Energy Work Help Get Rid of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  There are forms of bodywork called Energy Work or Energetic Therapy.  These forms of treatment work with and address the energy fields of your body.  Yes, you really do have energy fields. In American culture, we tend to think of the soul as being confined inside of the body.  In Oriental culture, it is… Continue reading Does Energy Work Help Get Rid of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Should You Take Anti-Inflammatory Drugs to Help Your Carpal Tunnel Pain

NSAID’s (non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs) don’t cure carpal tunnel symptoms.  Should you take them?  What if they make you feel better? When you have a repetitive stress injury (RSI) or situations like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, most doctors and websites will advise you to take NSAID’s. The only problem with this advice is that sometimes they are… Continue reading Should You Take Anti-Inflammatory Drugs to Help Your Carpal Tunnel Pain

Carpal Tunnel Pain? Small Corrections Can Make A Big Difference

Do you carpal tunnel pain?  Or pain in your wrist and hand?  Small movement corrections can help. How do we get carpal tunnel syndrome in the first place?  Here’s a common way. Your arms and hands have been stuck in a particular position for a long period. Where? How about every day at work?  You… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain? Small Corrections Can Make A Big Difference