What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has several possible causes.  That means it also has several potential cures! Sometimes the cause is a vitamin deficiency.  That’s an easy cure.  Sometimes the cause is diabetes or pregnancy.  One needs doctor’s care or lots of self-care watching diet and exercise and weight.  Pregnancy usually takes care of itself after a… Continue reading What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Caused by Compression in Your Wrist

The carpal tunnel is the internal “tunnel”, or passageway, enclosed by your wrist bones.  Your nerves and blood vessels pass through this “tunnel.”  If this area gets compressed (squeezed–which happens from position, swelling or crushing) uncomfortable sensations in your hand can result. Compression can result from movements such as tilting.  We are made to move… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Caused by Compression in Your Wrist

4 Movement Tips For Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief With The Pain Relief Coach

If you want carpal tunnel pain relief, you need to start doing some things differently.  Change only happens when we…well, change. 🙂 It’s important to make sure you have all the nutrients your body needs, plenty of water and enough sleep but it’s also important to take care of your muscles. Moving in different ways… Continue reading 4 Movement Tips For Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief With The Pain Relief Coach

Can Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Happen In Only One Hand?

If your carpal tunnel symptoms are only in one hand it is called “unilateral” Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Unilateral means on one side.  I would guess that most often one-sided symptoms might happen from an accident or from stretching to reach a mouse or tool (which strains arm muscles and causes hand pain.) But something else… Continue reading Can Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Happen In Only One Hand?

Carpal Tunnel Surgery vs. Natural Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Should you have surgery or should you try natural ways to relieve your carpal tunnel symptoms? Discover how to make your choice.

Help Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms with Vitamins and Minerals

Carpal Tunnel symptoms happen for reasons.  The reason could be because of muscle strain–muscle overuse, under use or incorrect use.  Or your symptoms could be caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies or “insufficiencies.” A deficiency is more severe but an insufficiency (not enough) can also cause symptoms. Why? Because there are nutrients that your body… Continue reading Help Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms with Vitamins and Minerals

Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Caused by Lack of Calcium or Vitamin D?

Does lack of calcium cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  I was asked this very good question by a reader. I wasn’t aware that a lack of calcium can specifically cause CTS.  But I did know that many minerals work together with calcium; it’s not only calcium that we need. According to Drs. Travell and Simons MD’s,… Continue reading Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Caused by Lack of Calcium or Vitamin D?

Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Get Better When You Take A Break!

One of the reasons we get things like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is because our muscles get stuck.  Literally.  Stuck. We were designed to move but sometimes we forget to move.  Taking lots of breaks to move and stretch in the opposite way of the way you usually move can help your carpal tunnel symptoms. This… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Get Better When You Take A Break!

Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Caused by Gardening? Tips to Avoid Wrist & Hand Pain in the Garden

Can Carpal Tunnel Syndrome be caused by something as enjoyable as gardening? Well, first a little history. A “syndrome” is a collection of symptoms.  “Symptoms” are the pain, numbness, weakness or tingling you feel in your hand and arm. There are a lot of muscles that can cause symptoms in your hand, fingers and arms. … Continue reading Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Caused by Gardening? Tips to Avoid Wrist & Hand Pain in the Garden