Your Carpal Tunnel Is Attached To The Rest Of Your Body!

The carpal tunnel is a bony area in your wrist with space for blood vessels and nerves to pass through.

When the space becomes smaller due to swelling in your tissues (or sometimes an injury like a fall) there is less space for the nerves and blood vessels.  This causes symptoms in your hand and the area around your carpal tunnel because nerves DO NOT like to be squashed or compressed.

What can you do about the swelling?  Why does it happen?

Well, it could be weight gain, injury (a break or compression), diabetes, forward-head posture, the muscles in your neck or chest compressing the nerves that serve your arm and hand.  It could be tissues that aren’t happy because they’re lacking nutrients or “out-of-balance” muscles.  I cover all of this in the Carpal Tunnel Toolkit.

There are many other symptoms you might experience along with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Every part of your body is attached to every other part and all the parts work together.  That means you most likely also have headaches, backaches, pain in your neck or shoulders, migraines, jaw pain or TMJD, or other complaints. True?


Because every part of your body really is attached to every other part.  If you pull on one part, you really are pulling on every other part.

Why?  Because it’s all attached!  🙂

So, what causes carpal tunnel swelling and pain and these other complaints?  Poor, collapsing posture is one really good bet.

This is the mistake many doctors, physical therapists and massage therapists make.  They treat

the symptom area.  They don’t look for the cause of the pain or symptom.  The CAUSE is the important part

Get rid of the cause and the symptom will go away.

  • The best way to correct your posture is to lengthen, or stretch, the muscles in the front of your body.  You started to collapse forward and get “forward head” posture because the muscles in the front of your body started becoming short.
  • The second part of the correction is to strengthen your whole back side from your knees to the base of your skull.  You can find simple easy ways to do that with the helpful articles at  And there’s a complete, easy program for you at Simple Strengthening Course.  It’s so easy–you can do it in bed!

You have a smart body that wants to be well.

Your body follows natural “laws.”  You must understand these laws and help your body get back to the same wonderful neutral posture you had as a little child. You didn’t have pain then.

You ARE worth the time and effort it will take to get rid of your carpal tunnel pain naturally and forever.

I’m Kathryn Merrow, The Pain Relief Coach, and I look forward to helping you get carpal tunnel pain relief naturally.  Click the link to discover more!

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