Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief – 10 Tips

Got carpal tunnel pain?  Here are ten tips to help you get rid of the uncomfortable symptoms in your hands.

1.  Use LARGE muscles whenever possible.  They are much stronger than the small finger and hand muscles.  Turn things with your arms rather than your fingers.

2.  When you use your arms to twist or turn something, keep your wrists straight.

3.  Use your arm like a lever:  Move your elbow toward your waist when you twist or open something.  (Straight wrist, remember?)

4.  Use gripper gloves (they have little sticky bumps on the palms) when you carry heavy items.  They make it much easier on your muscles.

5.  Use

gripper gloves or gripper tools and pads when you twist things to open them.

6.  Position yourself in neutral work positions.  Make things the proper height for you.  If you have to, pay for the correction or bring it to your work yourself.

7.  “Wring” your hands several times a day.  If you feel self-conscious about this do it in the restroom when you wash your hands.  Or as you apply hand lotion.

8.  Massage your hands and fingers, one at a time.  Thumbs, too.  All the way around.

9.  Massage your lower arms several times a day.  All the way up to (and beyond) your elbow.

10. Move your whole arm.  Make LARGE movements.  Pretend you are an eagle flying.  SPREAD those feathers at the tips of your wings and FLY.

Muscles love movement and massage.  We get into pain when we stop moving; muscles get unhappy.  So take advantage of television time or breaks to do things that will make your muscles feel better.  It’s not just that you are “getting old”–just a little rusty.

If you have more tips to share for relieving carpal tunnel pain, please leave a comment here, below.


  1. Hi Lois,
    Carpal Tunnel pain can be relieved with products that work around the wrist if that is where the problem comes from. I’m glad you found something that gives you relief!
    Now check out the Self Help Category here to find more natural things you can do for yourself to help get rid of your hand and wrist pain permanently.
    The Pain Relief Coach

  2. I’ve found something that works wonders for the pain that jolts you awake at night. It is a “glove” that looks like an oven mit without thumbs. Inside are gel packs. You heat the mit in the microwave as directed and slip it on. Finally I can sleep through the night. I found it in a magazine for medical equipment under the catagory of arthritis relief. Some people find cold application works better for them than hot and the mit can be used that way as well.

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