What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Is Surgery The Best Answer

What exactly is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and is surgery the best answer?  Here’s the lowdown: The Carpal Tunnel is a passageway in your wrist formed by eight carpal bones, the transverse carpal ligament, nine flexor tendons, blood vessels, and the median nerve.  Pretty packed, isn’t it? Syndromes are bunches of symptoms.  When the median nerve… Continue reading What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Is Surgery The Best Answer

What Is The Cause Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Sigh.  “No known cause for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.”  Or so says the article I found. It’s a pretty good article about carpal tunnel symptoms and the newer endoscopic surgery (which has a smaller incision.) But the surgeon who wrote the article says that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is “idiopathic.”  That means there is no known cause.… Continue reading What Is The Cause Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Why Do Computer Technicians Get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome More Than Transcriptionists

Do computer technicians get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome more than typists who transcribe all day long?  According to studies by Dr. Christian Walker the answer is YES. Here is the link to an article by Dr. Walker.  The language may seem a bit technical but you will probably get the idea. http://ezinearticles.com/?Can-Changing-Your-Workstation-Prevent-Carpal-Tunnel-Syndrome?&id=4683440 What Dr. Walker says… Continue reading Why Do Computer Technicians Get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome More Than Transcriptionists

Numbness Or Tingling In Your Hand–Is It Carpal Tunnel Syndrome If There Is No Pain

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can have numbness or tingling without any pain. Stress isn’t a cause as such but it can cause tight muscles around the neck.  And THEY in turn can cause uncomfortable sensations in the hand. Muscles are the most common cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and they are also the most commonly overlooked… Continue reading Numbness Or Tingling In Your Hand–Is It Carpal Tunnel Syndrome If There Is No Pain

Can Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cause Pain In The Armpit

Can your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome cause pain in your armpit?  Here’s a switch; I mean really a switch. Your wrist and hand symptoms can be caused by the muscles under your arm. Under your armpit you have muscles that attach from ribs to arm and shoulder.  You have muscles in your chest that also attach… Continue reading Can Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cause Pain In The Armpit

What Does Double Crush Mean To Carpal Tunnel Sufferers

Your carpal tunnel symptoms can have many causes.  It is usually NOT caused by something directly in your wrist.  Yes, there may be swelling there that is giving you symptoms but why? The “why” is the cause of your pain, tingling or numbness.  Those are called symptoms.  Get rid of the “why” and your symptoms… Continue reading What Does Double Crush Mean To Carpal Tunnel Sufferers

How To Tell If Pain In Your Hands Comes From Your Spine

There are many reasons for hand and wrist pain.  Most of them involve your muscles. Sometimes the pain in your hands comes from a whole body disorder; it could be hypo-thyroidism or rheumatoid arthritis.  If this is your situation, you should be under the care of a doctor.  Even so, you may find that taking… Continue reading How To Tell If Pain In Your Hands Comes From Your Spine

Instant Relief For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Who wants instant relief for carpal tunnel syndrome? I know I would if I had it.  Bring it on!  🙂 And there are lots of products that claim either an instant cure or to work pretty darn quickly.  But you know what?  They most likely won’t work. Why not? They don’t respect the natural laws… Continue reading Instant Relief For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What are the Physical Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Hand and Wrist Pain

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a collection of symptoms.  You may have one or more things causing your symptoms.  Symptoms are such things are numbness, tingling or pain. Here is a list of questions to ask yourself: 1.  How is your posture?  Posture that is collapsing forward can cause carpal tunnel pain. 2.  Where is your… Continue reading What are the Physical Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Hand and Wrist Pain

Musicians and Carpal Tunnel Pain

Many types of musicians get hand, wrist and arm pain.  They may believe it is caused by repetitive movement when they play their instrument.  More likely the pain is caused by doing the repetitive movement incorrectly (wrong.) And they probably don’t even realize they are doing it wrong! I received an email from a pianist… Continue reading Musicians and Carpal Tunnel Pain