What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by nerve compression in your wrist.  Here’s how it works: Nerves pass through the inside of your wrist between bones and ligaments (tough tissue.)  If there is not enough space for the nerves and blood vessels inside your wrist, they will be compressed or squeezed.  That causes uncomfortable symptoms. So… Continue reading What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Vitamin B6 Deficiency Causes Carpal Tunnel Pain

Carpal tunnel symptoms can be caused by a food dye called FD&C Yellow # 5.  Sometimes it’s called just Yellow.  There are other names for it, too. How does a fake food dye cause carpal tunnel symptoms?  Because it interferes with an important vitamin. There are lots of artificial food colors and #5 has been… Continue reading Vitamin B6 Deficiency Causes Carpal Tunnel Pain

How Can You Get Rid Of Carpal Tunnel Pain Naturally?

Do you have carpal tunnel pain?  Would you like to get rid of it naturally? The problem is that a lot of people–including many doctors–just don’t understand that you can have pain, numbness or tingling in your hand, wrist and arm but not have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by lack of… Continue reading How Can You Get Rid Of Carpal Tunnel Pain Naturally?

Do You Have True Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Should You Have CT Surgery?

Did your doctor say you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)?  That’s a diagnosis. A diagosis generally tells a symptom or symptoms. For instance, if you have appendicitis that means you have an inflamed appendix.  Why?  Don’t know.  But the doctor says let’s fix the appendix by removing it.  And in that case, that is probably… Continue reading Do You Have True Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Should You Have CT Surgery?

Can Your Shoulder Muscles Cause Carpal Tunnel Pain?

Tight shoulder muscles can cause pain in your carpal tunnel area.  Here’s one way: On your back you have two shoulder blades.  Maybe you can still move your shoulder blades or maybe you can’t.  If we don’t use muscles they have a tendency to get less flexible. That means you will have less movement. 🙁… Continue reading Can Your Shoulder Muscles Cause Carpal Tunnel Pain?

Do You Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Or Is Something Else Causing Pain In Your Hand And Wrist?

The carpal tunnel is the place in your wrist where nerves, blood vessels and other things pass through to your hand.  If there is swelling in the ‘tunnel’ and it presses on nerves and causes symptoms then your doctor might say, “You have carpal tunnel syndrome.” Maybe.  Or maybe not. A syndrome is a bunch… Continue reading Do You Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Or Is Something Else Causing Pain In Your Hand And Wrist?

Is It Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Or Tight Muscles? Or What?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a specific disorder that involves pressure inside the wrist.  There is a ‘tunnel’ that passes through the carpal bones of your hand/wrist. A ‘syndrome‘ is a collection of symptoms.  It is not a disease.  It’s a bunch of symptoms. If there is swelling inside the tunnel there is pressure on the… Continue reading Is It Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Or Tight Muscles? Or What?

Doctor Can’t Find Reason For Your Carpal Tunnel Pain?

If doctors cannot find a reason for the pain in your hands and wrists that is GOOD NEWS! The reason it’s good news is because that almost always means the cause of your pain is muscles. And muscles can be treated. 🙂 The muscles in your lower arms can be a big part of the… Continue reading Doctor Can’t Find Reason For Your Carpal Tunnel Pain?

Does Breastfeeding Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Does breastfeeding cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  Certain positions and postures can cause pain in your hands and wrists. Let’s look at an example and see possible answers. I recently answered a plea for help from a new mom who is struggling with very painful Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in one wrist. She believes it was brought… Continue reading Does Breastfeeding Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome