If Vitamin B6 Deficiency Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, What Causes B6 Deficiency?

Doctors know that Vitamin B6 deficiency causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

But what causes you to have a deficiency?

This is what the “Encyclopedia of Healing Foods” says about Vitamin B6 deficiency:

Since 1950, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has increased “in parallel with the increased presence of compounds that interfere with vitamin B6 in the body.”  In particular, Dr. Michael Murray (author) says that tartrazine (FD&C Yellow #5) is added to “nearly every packaged food” and interferes with B6 absorption.

In the US, he says, the average daily consumption (how much we eat) of certified dyes is 15 milligrams, of which 85% is tartrazine.

That means, if you are average, you are eating 5,000 milligrams a year, which is approximately one teaspoon. That might not sound like much to you, but it is one teaspoon of a chemical that you don’t need–it is not making you healthier.

The doctor suggests eliminating tartrazine and increasing foods rich in B6 to help relieve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

And, when your carpal tunnel symptoms flare up, Dr. Murray suggests drinking fresh pineapple juice and eating ginger. Both have anti-inflammatory properties (they reduce inflammation in your tissues.)

Curcumin, which comes from the spice turmeric, is also an anti-inflammatory.

If you read the labels on food, drug or cosmetic products, you will see a lot of things listed.  Some of those ingredients might even to cause you to think, “Hmmm.  I wonder why that is in there?”  I think that often.

I ask myself, “Why did the manufacturers think this product needs to have something to color it?  I think it would have looked fine with its’ natural color.”

So, what can you do to eat less tartrazine?

Start by reading labels on packages of prepared food.  Look for the words “FD&C Yellow #5” or “natural and artificial food coloring.”  Be suspicious and read all labels.  Yellow #5 goes by different names, too, so be suspicious.

You never know what you might find.

There is a large “food industry” out there.  And, the job of the food industry is not to make you healthy.

The food industry wants you to buy products that appeal to your eye (food coloring) your nose (artificial aromas) and taste buds (artificial flavors.)

Might as well eat petroleum products.  In fact, you are.

There is a lot to be said for eating as close to naturally as you can.

Farmers don’t grow food that has tartrazine in it.

But factories do.



  1. Hi Poly,
    The truth is that we probably can never be sure of anything. I make every attempt to buy from reputable companies. Sometimes all we know is what they tell us…and that might not necessarily be true. But we do our best! 🙂
    Thank you for your comment.

  2. Thank you for this great information, Kathryn. I, too, pay a lot of attention to what I eat and aim for foods that are not processed and that are fresh and organic, whenever possible. It is frustrating that the food industry so often seems to be geared toward profit at the expense of health (and ethics). Reminders to be watchful – and information about what to watch for (and why) are very, very helpful. Keep up the great work!

  3. Good information! Although I eat mostly fresh (non-prepared) foods, there are a few condiments in the refrigerator. When I checked, yep. Some do indeed contain FD&C Yellow #5. Grr. I really think I would prefer a more naturally-colored product that isn’t going to compromise my health each time I eat it!
    Is it possible… that the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry talk to one another? “We’ll make all this nasty stuff irresistable and then you can sell ’em even more stuff to make up for the consequences.” Hmm. Maybe just a crazy idea.

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