Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has one or more causes. Posture is a very common cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Why does it matter and what can you do to fix your posture?
Questions for Your Surgeon When Your Consider Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery
When you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you may feel desperate for relief. You might think about having carpal tunnel surgical release. There are many things to consider before you have surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome. Today on Carpal Tunnel Radio, we talked about the questions you might ask your surgeon before you make your decision. … Continue reading Questions for Your Surgeon When Your Consider Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery
Relieve Your Carpal Tunnel Pain in Your Bed
You can get carpal tunnel pain relief while you are in your bed! How is this possible? Well, certain positions can cause carpal tunnel symptoms. Side-sleeping is one of those positions. If you can learn to sleep on your back, you just might find that your symptoms go away. Why? Because sleeping on your back… Continue reading Relieve Your Carpal Tunnel Pain in Your Bed
Natural Therapies for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief
Today on Carpal Tunnel Radio we talked about the benefits of natural therapies. We also talked about sleeping positions that can cause or help carpal tunnel symptoms and how to find a massage therapist who can help you. Some of the benefits of natural therapies for CTS include: no surgery, no anesthesia, no recovery, no… Continue reading Natural Therapies for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief
Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief – What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) always has a cause (or a few causes). And, it almost always has a natural cure. Here’s one very common cause and cure for carpal tunnel pain: Short muscles. They can cause CTS and stretching can help IF you stretch in the right directions. You see, every part of your body… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief – What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Benefits of Ice for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief
Does ice therapy help relieve carpal tunnel symptoms more than heat? This is what my friend Bette had to say about ice. She had grown to love it for her various pains and here’s why: Bette: Muscle problems tend to accompany endocrine issues, especially adrenal glands that can’t or won’t keep up. Our muscles get… Continue reading Benefits of Ice for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief
Pain & Numbness On The Outside Of Your Hand
Pain on the outside, or baby finger side, of the hand can have different causes. Sometimes it’s a side effect of medication. Here is a letter I received from a reader who has numbness in her baby fingers. “This all started last Monday and has occurred every day since then. My arms under my shoulders… Continue reading Pain & Numbness On The Outside Of Your Hand
Pain In Your Pinky Finger or Baby Finger
A reader asked me about pain in her pinky fingers (baby finger.) Here is her question: “I have noticed for the past week that both pinky fingers have been numb. The numbness extends up to each elbow and is aggravated by almost anything I do. I work on a computer and I try to have… Continue reading Pain In Your Pinky Finger or Baby Finger
Your Carpal Tunnel Area Can Heal!
Carpal tunnel pain relief? You bet! Your carpal tunnel can heal. Your symptoms can go away. Your body is very smart and is very capable of healing. Sometimes you just need to understand WHY you have carpal tunnel symptoms and WHAT to do to get rid of them. Last summer I tripped and when I… Continue reading Your Carpal Tunnel Area Can Heal!
You Can Heal Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms!
A recent note from Beverly said: “I’m doing much better as far as the carpal tunnel. I don’t think it is carpal tunnel, but the strain on the muscles in the arm with the (heavy) work I do all day. You have made me realize I can massage that arm, neck and hand to make… Continue reading You Can Heal Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms!