Carpal Tunnel Pain? Small Corrections Can Make A Big Difference

Do you carpal tunnel pain?  Or pain in your wrist and hand?  Small movement corrections can help.

How do we get carpal tunnel syndrome in the first place?  Here’s a common way.

Your arms and hands have been stuck in a particular position for a long period.


How about every day at work?  You work about 250 days a year.  After 250 days of your arms and hands being in the same position…what can you get?


Carpal Tunnel Pain.

Whether your arm, hand, wrist pain is caused from repetitive actions at your place of work, or whether you have acquired some bad postural habits, or both, it doesn’t change this fact:

You have pain around your carpal tunnel.

The carpal tunnel is a “tunnel,” or opening, that blood vessels and nerves pass through in your wrist.

Now, carpal tunnel syndrome (a collection of symptoms) happens for reasons.  “Something” is happening that causes carpal tunnel pain.

Pain always happens in response to something.

You might use your hands in ways or positions that are not necessary for the jobs that you do, but you got into the habit of doing it like that.

I know there were many times when I, as a Neuromuscular Massage Therapist, looked down at my hands as I was working and thought:  “Who the heck told me that was okay to do?”  I was using a hand or arm position which was bound to bring me grief.

That happens.  We’re human.

What we have to do, is correct any movements that

we realize we are doing incorrectly.

Awareness is half the battle.

Correction is the other half.

So, now that you are thinking about it, what positions do you use that are wrong for you?

Do you stretch to reach a computer mouse?  “Just for minute, I can do it.”  Well, no.  You can’t.  It’s just like “only one potato chip.”  It’s not happening.

Do you use small finger muscles when you should be using larger arm muscles?

Do you watch your posture, and keep correcting it by holding your breastbone up? (Reading this just now made me lift my breastbone!)

Do you take stretch breaks where you move your hands and arms in the opposite direction of the one you usually are in?  (A necessity, all the time!)

Are you squeezing your shoulder blades toward your spine to help get a strong back?  Or, are you letting your body collapse forward?

Paying attention to what you do, especially when you notice it causes carpal tunnel symptoms for you, will give you clues about what you need to correct.

Don’t give up.

And, if you don’t know what you need to correct, keep educating yourself.  The Carpal Tunnel Tool Kit will give you the knowledge you need to start getting rid of your pain, right now, naturally.

Correct and then correct and then keep on making corrections in your movements and your body.

All the small corrections will add up to carpal tunnel pain relief.

“Because You Deserve to Feel Better!”

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